Case Studies + Method Validation

STATRA is a pioneering Data Team that has developed a unique approach to improving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for team members, departments, locations, customers, and referral sources. By leveraging advanced data analytics techniques, STATRA enables direct monitoring of individual team member metrics, providing real-time insights into performance and productivity. Moreover, STATRA's platform incorporates individual team member accountability, ensuring that each member takes ownership of their assigned KPIs. This holistic approach empowers organizations to optimize their KPIs, drive performance improvements, and foster a culture of accountability, leading to enhanced overall business success.

Multi-Location Medical Group

94 Employees + 7 Locations + Large Hospital Relationships + Tremendous Patient Care Results and Referrals

238% Increased Net Profitability For Three (3) Locations Cumulative

$244,000 Annual Savings Directly Attributable to STATRA

Case Study: STATRA's 238% Increase on Medical Group Revenue and a $244K Annual Savings in Expenses


A leading Cancer Care Group, facing challenges in balancing marketing expenditures with patient acquisition and revenue growth, sought the expertise of STATRA, a company known for its innovative stat-based team member accountability model. The primary objectives were twofold: to drastically reduce unnecessary marketing spend and to enhance the effectiveness of patient referrals, thereby increasing overall profitability.

The adoption of STATRA's method yielded unprecedented results within the first two years:

1. Annual Savings of $244,000 in Expenses: with the elimination of inefficacious marketing channels and the optimization of referral source management, the Cancer Care Group achieved an annual savings of $244,000 in Expenses (a 66% reduction across three locations)

2. 238% Increase in Revenue in Year One: The focused and accountable approach to managing referral sources led to a significant increase in effective referrals, catapulting revenue by 238% in the first year.

3. Additional 20% Revenue Increase in Year Two: The momentum continued, with revenue growing an additional 20% in the second year, underscoring the sustainability of STATRA's method.


Before STATRA's intervention, the Cancer Care Group was grappling with inefficiencies in its marketing strategies, leading to inflated costs without a corresponding increase in patient referrals or revenue. The lack of detailed insight into the performance of individual referral sources and the absence of accountability mechanisms for team members contributed to the suboptimal allocation of marketing resources.


STATRA introduced its proprietary method, focusing on two key areas: direct monitoring of individual referral sources and the implementation of individual team member accountability. This approach was underpinned by the following strategic steps:

1. Data-Driven Insights: STATRA deployed advanced analytics to dissect the performance of each referral source, providing a granular view of their contribution to patient acquisition and the overall marketing ROI.

2. Team Member Accountability: Leveraging the insights gained, STATRA established clear performance metrics for team members responsible for managing and nurturing referral relationships. This move ensured that marketing efforts were not just collective but also individualized, fostering a culture of responsibility and motivation among the staff.

3. Resource Optimization: With precise data on the effectiveness of various referral sources, the Cancer Care Group could reallocate resources from underperforming areas to those with higher yields, ensuring a more efficient use of the marketing budget.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback Loop: STATRA implemented a real-time monitoring system accompanied by a feedback loop, enabling swift adjustments to strategies based on evolving data trends.


The adoption of STATRA's method yielded unprecedented results within the first two years:

1. 66% Reduction in Marketing Spend: Through the elimination of inefficient marketing channels and the optimization of referral source management, the Cancer Care Group achieved an annual saving of $244,000 in marketing expenditures.

2. 238% Increase in Revenue in Year One: The focused and accountable approach to managing referral sources led to a significant increase in effective referrals, catapulting revenue by 238% in the first year.

3. Additional 20% Revenue Increase in Year Two: The momentum continued, with revenue growing an additional 20% in the second year, underscoring the sustainability of STATRA's method.


STATRA's innovative approach to stat-based team member accountability and its meticulous monitoring of referral sources have demonstrated profound efficacy in not only reducing marketing costs but also in significantly enhancing revenue through improved referral strategies. The Cancer Care Group's remarkable achievement illustrates the transformative potential of adopting a data-driven, accountable approach to marketing and patient acquisition strategies in the healthcare sector. This case study serves as a compelling example for other organizations aiming to optimize their marketing efforts and drive substantial revenue growth.

Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach

5000 Employees working 1,504 guest rooms, 12 on property restaurants and lounges, a 40,000-square-foot spa and 22 acres of operations.

Awareness of Individual Employee Metrics At C-Level

93% Reduced Time To Pull Quantitative Review Data

STATRA: Enhancing Human Resources Efficiency and Analyzing HR Trends at Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach through Data Analytics


This case study showcases the successful implementation of STATRA, a Data Analytics Company, at Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach. By utilizing STATRA's techniques, the hotel achieved substantial improvements in human resources (HR) metrics and operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Specifically, the implementation resulted in (i) significant increases in speed to identify and flag HR issues and (ii) the ability to summarize HR trends across its 5,000 employees. This success was achieved through the direct monitoring of individual team member metrics and the implementation of individual member accountability, facilitated by STATRA's data analytics solutions.


Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach, a prominent luxury hotel with extensive operations, faced the challenge of optimizing HR processes and efficiently analyzing HR trends across its large workforce. Traditional HR management approaches lacked real-time insights and hindered the hotel's ability to proactively address issues and identify trends. Seeking a solution, the hotel partnered with STATRA, a leading Data Analytics Company, to leverage data-driven insights and enhance HR operations.


STATRA closely collaborated with Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach to tailor its data analytics techniques to meet the specific requirements of the hospitality industry. The implementation process involved integrating STATRA's analytics solutions with the hotel's existing systems, including HR management software and operational databases, to capture and analyze relevant data.

Key Features and Benefits:

1. Direct Monitoring of Individual Team Member Metrics:

STATRA's data analytics techniques enabled the hotel to directly monitor and evaluate individual team member metrics in real-time. Key HR metrics, such as attendance, performance, and training completion, were tracked and analyzed. This allowed the hotel to proactively identify and address HR issues promptly, leading to improved operational efficiency.

2. Individual Member Accountability:

STATRA's platform facilitated the implementation of individual member accountability within the hotel's HR processes. Each team member was assigned unique identifiers, and their performance metrics were tracked and analyzed. This fostered a culture of responsibility and individual accountability, as team members could monitor their own progress, identify areas for improvement, and take ownership of their HR-related responsibilities.


1. Speedy Identification and Flagging of HR Issues:

Through the direct monitoring of individual team member metrics, Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach achieved significant improvements in identifying and flagging HR issues. Real-time insights allowed the hotel to promptly address attendance, performance, and training-related concerns, leading to faster resolution and a more efficient HR management process.

2. Summary of HR Trends Across 5,000 Employees:

STATRA's data analytics solutions provided the hotel with the ability to summarize HR trends across its 5,000 employees. By analyzing aggregated data, the hotel gained valuable insights into employee performance, training needs, and HR-related patterns. This allowed them to identify trends, implement targeted training programs, and optimize HR processes to further enhance operational efficiency.


STATRA's data analytics techniques played a crucial role in optimizing HR operations and analyzing HR trends at Fontainebleau Hotels Miami Beach. By directly monitoring individual team member metrics and implementing individual member accountability, the hotel achieved substantial improvements in identifying and flagging HR issues promptly, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency. Furthermore, the ability to summarize HR trends across its large employee base allowed the hotel to implement targeted training programs and optimize HR processes. This case study demonstrates how data-driven decision-making, facilitated by STATRA's analytics solutions, can drive remarkable improvements in HR management and operational performance within the hospitality industry. STATRA's comprehensive data analytics tools empower organizations to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and achieve sustainable growth.

Therapeutic Medical Management Group

54 Team Members + 22 Multi-State Locations + Large Hospital Relationships + Tremendous Patient Care Results

450 Total Automated Reports + Metrics (Saving Countless Labor Hours + Removing Error)

STATRA: Transforming KPIs in a Therapeutic Medical Management Group through Advanced Data Analytics


This case study highlights the unique approach of STATRA, a leading Data Analytics Company, in improving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for team members, departments, locations, patients, and referral sources within a Therapeutic Medical Management Group. With its advanced data analytics techniques, STATRA enables direct monitoring of individual team member metrics and fosters individual team member accountability for each specific KPI. By focusing on the group's main goals of creating autonomous environments, providing the right tools, offering unmatched CEU opportunities, promoting professional growth, and enabling career advancement, STATRA empowers the group to optimize its performance and achieve exceptional outcomes.


The Therapeutic Medical Management Group aimed to improve its KPIs across various aspects of its operations, aligning with its core goals of providing autonomous environments, utilizing effective tools for documentation and treatment, offering unmatched CEU opportunities, fostering professional growth, and enabling career advancement. Traditional approaches lacked the necessary real-time insights and comprehensive accountability to drive performance improvements and achieve these goals. Seeking a solution, the group partnered with STATRA, a renowned Data Analytics Company, to leverage advanced analytics techniques and transform their KPIs.


STATRA closely collaborated with the Therapeutic Medical Management Group to customize its data analytics approach to meet the specific needs of the healthcare industry. The implementation process involved integrating STATRA's analytics solutions with the group's existing systems, including patient management software, departmental data sources, and referral tracking tools, to capture and analyze relevant data.

Key Features and Benefits:

1. Direct Monitoring of Individual Team Member Metrics:

STATRA's data analytics platform enables the Therapeutic Medical Management Group to directly monitor and analyze the performance metrics of individual team members in real-time. This provides granular insights into each team member's contributions, productivity, patient outcomes, and adherence to KPIs aligned with the group's goals. By closely tracking these metrics, the group can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to enhance individual and overall team performance.

2. Individual Team Member Accountability per KPI:

STATRA's platform promotes individual team member accountability by assigning specific KPIs aligned with the group's main goals. Each team member takes ownership of their assigned KPIs and is responsible for driving performance improvements. This fosters a culture of ownership, professional growth, and career advancement, as team members are empowered to actively contribute to the group's success while aligning with their own professional goals.


1. Creation of Autonomous Environments:

STATRA's data analytics techniques enabled the Therapeutic Medical Management Group to monitor and optimize factors that contribute to autonomous environments. By analyzing individual team member metrics, patient outcomes, and operational data, the group identified areas for improved autonomy and implemented targeted strategies to empower team members, enhance decision-making capabilities, and improve patient care.

2. Provision of Effective Tools for Documentation and Treatment:

Direct monitoring of individual team member metrics allowed the group to assess the effectiveness of tools used for documentation and treatment. By analyzing data related to tool utilization, efficiency, and patient outcomes, the group identified gaps and implemented improvements, ensuring that team members have the right tools to provide efficient and effective care.

3. Unmatched CEU Opportunities:

STATRA's data analytics solutions enabled the Therapeutic Medical Management Group to identify and track Continuing Education Unit (CEU) opportunities for individual team members. By closely monitoring and analyzing team members' training completion and performance metrics, the group could provide unmatched CEU opportunities tailored to each team member's professional growth needs and goals.

4. Professional Growth Opportunities and Career Advancement:

Individual team member accountability, facilitated by STATRA's platform, contributed to enhanced professional growth opportunities and career advancement within the group. By aligning individual team members' KPIs with their career goals, the group fostered a culture of professional development, skill enhancement, and upward mobility, leading to increased job satisfaction and retention.


STATRA's unique approach to data analytics has played a crucial role in transforming the KPIs of a Therapeutic Medical Management Group, aligned with their main goals of autonomous environments, effective tools, unmatched CEU opportunities, professional growth, and career advancement. By providing direct monitoring of individual team member metrics and fostering individual team member accountability, the group achieved optimized team member performance, enhanced operational efficiency, improved patient outcomes, and empowered professional growth opportunities. This case study exemplifies how STATRA's advanced data analytics techniques empower organizations to drive performance improvements, foster accountability, and achieve exceptional outcomes while aligning with their core goals and values.

Bowes Imaging Centers

Multiple Locations + Unique Business Model + 24 Employees

Employee Stat Awareness

Title: STATRA: Revolutionizing KPIs at Bowes Imaging Centers through Advanced Data Analytics


This case study showcases the unique approach of STATRA, a leading Data Analytics Company, in improving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for team members, departments, locations, patients, and referral sources at Bowes Imaging Centers. With its advanced data analytics techniques, STATRA enables direct monitoring of individual team member metrics and fosters individual team member accountability per KPI, with a special emphasis on community engagement. By leveraging this approach, Bowes Imaging Centers can optimize its performance, enhance patient care, and strengthen its community relationships.


Bowes Imaging Centers aimed to improve its KPIs across various dimensions of its operations, including team members, departments, locations, patients, and referral sources. Community engagement was identified as a critical factor for success. However, traditional approaches lacked real-time insights and comprehensive accountability, hindering the centers' ability to drive performance improvements and establish meaningful community connections. Seeking a solution, Bowes Imaging Centers partnered with STATRA, a renowned Data Analytics Company, to leverage advanced analytics techniques and transform their KPIs, with a specific focus on community engagement.


STATRA collaborated closely with Bowes Imaging Centers to customize its data analytics approach to meet the specific needs of the healthcare industry, specifically in the field of diagnostic imaging. The implementation process involved integrating STATRA's analytics solutions with the centers' existing systems, including patient management software, operational databases, and referral tracking tools, to capture and analyze relevant data.

Key Features and Benefits:

1. Direct Monitoring of Individual Team Member Metrics:

STATRA's data analytics platform enables Bowes Imaging Centers to directly monitor and evaluate the performance metrics of individual team members in real-time. This provides granular insights into each team member's contributions, productivity, patient satisfaction, and community engagement efforts. By closely tracking these metrics, the centers can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to enhance individual and overall team performance.

2. Individual Team Member Accountability per KPI with Respect to Community Engagement:

STATRA's platform promotes individual team member accountability by assigning specific KPIs related to community engagement. Each team member takes ownership of their assigned KPIs and is responsible for actively contributing to the centers' efforts in building strong community relationships. This fosters a culture of accountability, empathy, and community-oriented care, allowing team members to align their actions with the centers' goals and values.


1. Enhanced Community Engagement:

By leveraging STATRA's data analytics techniques, Bowes Imaging Centers achieved significant improvements in community engagement. Direct monitoring of individual team member metrics enabled the centers to track community outreach efforts, participation in local events, and patient feedback related to community interactions. This real-time feedback loop allowed the centers to optimize their community engagement strategies, build meaningful relationships, and establish themselves as trusted healthcare providers within the community.

2. Improved Patient Satisfaction:

The implementation of direct monitoring of individual team member metrics led to improved patient satisfaction at Bowes Imaging Centers. By closely tracking patient feedback and analyzing individual team member contributions to patient care, the centers identified areas for improvement and implemented targeted training programs. This resulted in enhanced patient experiences, increased patient loyalty, and improved patient outcomes.

3. Strengthened Referral Sources:

STATRA's data analytics solutions provided Bowes Imaging Centers with insights into referral sources and patterns. By analyzing referral data and tracking individual team member metrics related to referral generation, the centers identified top-performing referral sources and implemented strategies to strengthen those relationships. This led to increased referrals and a stronger network of referring providers, contributing to the centers' growth and success.


STATRA's unique approach to data analytics has played a crucial role in transforming the KPIs of Bowes Imaging Centers. By providing direct monitoring of individual team member metrics and fostering individual team member accountability per KPI, with a specific focus on community engagement, the centers achieved enhanced community engagement, improved patient satisfaction, and strengthened referral sources. This case study exemplifies how STATRA's advanced data analytics techniques empower organizations to drive performance improvements, foster accountability, and establish meaningful connections with their communities. By leveraging data-driven insights, Bowes Imaging Centers has successfully optimized its operations, provided exceptional patient care, and become a trusted healthcare provider within its community.